Move With Purpose in 2019


When I was in middle school I used to do theater. I loved it! It helped me get out of my shell, made me less shy, taught me about teamwork, and taught me how to use acting to tell a story.

The first thing I learned in acting class was “move with purpose.” I had a whole stage to work with and every movement took me to a new place in helping me tell a story. My teachers and directors always encouraged us to plan our next move and it was never okay to wander around on stage.

When I was nervous about having lines I would tend to shuffle on stage, therefore breaking character. If I hadn’t memorized the dance routine then I was offbeat. Nobody wants to watch a character who isn’t 100% confident in every way that they move their body.

Similarly, in life, nobody is going to trust someone who talks about plans and goals but doesn’t take any action in prioritizing those things and actually doing them!

This year I’m not making resolutions. Not because I think they’re silly- they’re not! I think it’s great to take the New Year as an opportunity to set some goals. But I lost sight of the goals I set last year. It wasn’t until the last couple of months that I realized that in order to accomplish my goals I had to stop making lists and start asking how I can move with purpose every day. How will this new job benefit me? Will it help me grow in the areas that are important? Is this relationship pushing me closer or further away from my dreams? Does this person support me? Is this friendship inspiring me to be a better person? What is most important to me? This year I prioritized traveling, growing in my workplace, and forming connections with people who inspire me and it has definitely paid off.

I worked two jobs (over 50 hours a week) and finally rebuilt my savings. I became more confident in who I am and I finally know what direction I want to go with my blog. I got a gym membership and I’m closer than ever to being in the best shape of my life! I enrolled in a TEFL certification course and I get to start the New Year by working towards my certification as an ESL teacher. Once I’m certified I will be moving abroad for the second time in my life! Most importantly, I made new relationships this year that I know will last a lifetime.

None of this would have happened if my goals were just bullet points on paper. I am notorious for talking the talk and not walking the walk. But now I finally know what I want and I am so excited to see what the New Year holds, because I have big plans and I can confidently say that I’m ready to meet my goals and move with purpose in 2019.

Happy New Year!

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