23 Lessons


Happy Saturday and Happy Birthday to me! For the last month I was trying to decide what to do for my birthday and my initial plan was to take a shot for every year I’ve been alive. But some people, like my mom for instance, didn’t think that was the greatest idea.

So instead I did some reflecting and I thought about some of the important lessons I’ve learned in my lifetime. From traveling on my own, starting and ending relationships, dealing with an autoimmune disease, going through college, and many other experiences, I’ve taken a lot away from it all. I still have a lot more experiences to have and I can’t wait to see what life throws at me this year!

Are these things that I practice everyday? Definitely not. But I’m still working on it. Here are 23 life lessons from yours truly:

  1. The most terrifying experiences are the most rewarding.
  2. Always follow your heart, but let your gut have the last say.
  3. You’re not as big as the higher power that controls the universe.
  4. Love your body, no matter how badly it can hurt you, because it needs to be cared for.
  5. Mistakes are only meant to be made once and then learned from. So make lots of them.
  6. Everyone has a limit when it comes to tequila shots. Don’t drink more than you can handle just because you saw your ex on the street.
  7. Being an adult means making decisions on your own and not waiting for someone to tell you what to do.
  8. It’s okay to take some time to be selfish and love yourself before finding someone else to love.
  9. Have political views. You aren’t obligated to discuss politics, but have a stance.
  10. And yet, be open to new ideas and new ways of thinking. Whether you agree or not, someone else always has another perspective to consider.
  11. Kissing is fun and it doesn’t mean you owe anything else.
  12. Challenge yourself at least once a week.
  13. You’re never fully dressed without a smile. At least that’s what Annie said.
  14. Always surround yourself with people who add to your life and be okay with drifting away from those who don’t.
  15. Take time every morning to stay off social media.
  16. Have regular coffee dates with friends and family. Don’t take these for granted.
  17. Eat your vegetables. Life is too short to have a vitamin deficiency.
  18. You’re never too old to dance in front of your mirror in your bedroom.
  19. Always stay inspired by traveling, writing, reading, and having meaningful conversations with others.
  20. Stay excited and try something new every month.
  21. Never be afraid to travel alone.
  22. No matter how disappointing something might feel, everything happens for a reason. Not always right away. But someday.
  23. Always pack snacks. Always.

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